Front (Cover), Iphone photograph, image source: Multinational Enterprises

Publisher Note

50 Hz is a reader produced to accompany Mika Vainio´s solo exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma. It presents a gathering of texts by curators, artists, critics and theorists that offer alternative accounts of Mika Vainioás practice in music and sound art. The authors include theorists, critics, and artists as Ute Meta Bauer, Pertti Grönholm, Tommi Grönlund, Leevi Haapala, Kati Kivinen, Rikke Lundgreen, Anne Hilde Neset, and Mika Taanila

Release Place Helsinki, Finland
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2020
Artist: Mika Vainio
Printrun 600
ISBN-13: 9789527371190
Pages 89

last updated 623 days ago

Created by Recent_Works

Edited by Recent_Works