Front Cover

Publisher Note

Collects numerous 'lost' photos from one of the world's first professional female photographers•Shows the breadth and depth of Goslich's social commentary through artIn 2008, a discovery was made that brought the works of Marie Goslich to light. Part of her estate, long thought to have been lost, was rediscovered in a guesthouse in Geltow at the Schwielowsee Lake. Some 400 glass-plate negatives exist today, survivors of the chaos of both world wars. This book makes Goslich's photos available to the public 100 years after their capture, celebrating her as a bold pioneer and a grande dame of German photojournalism and social critique. Born in Frankfurt (Oder) in 1859, Marie Goslich tried her hand at various things before beginning to work as a journalist and editor. Cited in Berlin's residents register, these professional titles alone were remarkable for a woman of her time. To cap it all, she began training as a photographer at the age of 44 in order to be able to provide her articles with pictures. As a result, she is one of the first professional female photographers in the world. With social injustice being her main concern, Goslich wrote and illustrated many articles, some of which were quite radical, to address the causes of suffering and misery. Again and again, her works denounce the gap between rich and poor. They portray traveling people, street vendors, beggars, ragmen and tinkers. All of her pictures betray her empathy towards her subjects, giving her photos a very intimate and rousing effect.

Artist Monograph

Marie Goslich

A World Behind Glas

edited by Claudia Bellacchini

Release Date 2017
Artist: Marie Goslich
ISBN-13: 9783862065288
Topics Archive, Biography, Documentary, Marie Goslich
Methods Photography
Language English, German
Format Hardcover
Pages 340

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