image source: Kunsthalle Zürich

Publisher Note

This comprehensive publication on Berlin-based Georgian artist Andro Wekua reflects on his all-encompassing, uncannily efficient, and enchantingly disturbing work. Wekua works in the ambiguous half-light of memory, fantasy, and history, offering dream-like relationships, fragmented narratives, part objects, and doubled figures as meta-fictions of a self that evades any autobiographical and historical specificity.

Three essays by Kunsthalle Zurich director Daniel Baumann, Berlin-based writer and art critic Pablo Larios, and New York MoMA’s Assistant Curator in the Department of Painting and Sculpture Paulina Pobocha span his multifaceted practice that includes painting, sculpture, film, photography, artist’s books, and collage. The divergent yet complementary views of the contributors are complemented by a new interview with the artist by curator Ali Subotnick.

Conceived as an artist’s book, the first part of the publication acts as a collage of Wekua’s current obsessions and visual universe, while the second section of illustrations provides an overview of his last ten years of art and exhibition making.

Published on the occasion of the exhibition All is Fair in Dreams and War by the artist at the Kunsthalle Zurich (June 9–August 5, 2018).

Release Place Zurich, Switzerland
Release Date 2018
Artist: Andro Wekua
ISBN-13: 978-3-03764-531-4
Original Price 75.00 CHF
Language German, English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 26.5 × 34.5 × 3.5 cm
Weight 2,645 gram
Pages 344
Content 280 color images

last updated 1572 days ago

Data Contributor: Kunsthalle Zürich

Created by KunsthalleZurich

Edited by KunsthalleZurich, edcat