image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

We don't want to be apocalyptic, but we feel the need for change. What matters is the darkness, because we burn time and thoughts chasing breaking news and social chatter. While we dance on the edge of the abyss, art has become a blind spot like everything else. This issue of Arts of the Working Class claims a role for art in our lives, and it does so with the collaboration of two associate editors, artist Simon Denny and curator Sara Dolfi Agostini, who helped identify areas of light or shade with artists, writers, gallery owners and professionals from various sectors.

Artists’ Periodical

Arts of the Working Class #6

— Art of Darkness

by Alina Kolar, Maria Ines Plaza Lazo, Paul Sochacki

Release Place Berlin, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Subform Artists Newspaper
Topics Working Class
Language English
Format Newspaper

last updated 1468 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

Created by edcat

Edited by edcat