

available in Italian (published by Baldini&Castodi)

Publisher Note

Gabriele Basilico is one of the best-known 'documentary' photographers in Europe; his field of research is the city and the industralized landscape photographed in black and white and with extreme rigour. An architect by training, he is committed to imposing discipline on spaces and volumes. He tends to cut and define shadows at the same angle, imparting an order and creating a geometry that is based on tormented architecture. This archive of Basilico's photographs of Berlin was accumulated over three separate visits in 2000. Basilico had already photographed Berlin in 1990, when he had documented the gradual demolition of the Wall; for this collection, Basilico's main point of focus is the Eastern area of Berlin, formerly the Communist bloc. This is a unique pictorial record revealing the hidden but coherent rhythm of a modern urban environment and a city in the throes of monumental change.

Release Place Arles, France
Edition 1st edition
Release Date April 2002
ISBN-13: 978-2742737208
Subform Photobook
Topics Berlin, Urban Landscape
Methods Photography
Language French
Dimensions 24.5 × 17.5 × 2.0 cm
Pages 180
Technique Offset

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