Publisher Note

Issue 13 of BLAD, Bastards shows drawings by the Norwegian artist Johannes Høie. This booklet gives you a peak tour into the dark, dramatic, surrealistic and also sometimes comical world of Høie's universe of drawings. Executed in a beautifull classical virtouso hand style manner, this issue gives you a taste of his latest productions. Some of the drawings in this magazine are wall drawings and based on previous limited edition printed posters, specially selscted to fit into this issue of BLAD.

Artists’ Periodical

B.L.A.D. No. 13 - BASTARDS

by Johannes Høie

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2014
Artist: Johannes Høie
Series B.L.A.D., No. 13 - BASTARDS
Subform Zine
Dimensions 9.5 × 13.5 cm

last updated 1188 days ago

Created by DasKunstbuch

Edited by DasKunstbuch, edcat