Publisher Note

Touched by the flame, images retrieved from strangers’ archives change their structure. The nature and urban scenes they originally depicted mutate into abstract glimmers of parallel worlds. Creative rather than destructive, the flame expands the borders of perception and interpretation of these images, opening up paradoxical depth in their surface seemingly out of nothing.

Artists’ Book

Burning Slides

by Aurelija Maknyte

Release Place Vilnius, Lithuania
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2016
Designer: Gytis Skudzinskas
Printer: UAB Druka
Printrun 99
ISBN-13: 9786099563848
Inscription signed, numbered
Topics Analogue Photography, Archives, Slides
Methods Found Photography, Performance, Photography
Language English, Lithuanian, English
Format Paperback
Dimensions 15.0 × 16.5 cm
Pages 60
Technique Offset, Uv Print

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Artphilein Library

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Data Contributor: Artphilein Library

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