Object, image source: artistsbooksandmultiples


"Published in conjunction with the Belgian artist's first North American museum exhibition, Wim Delvoye: Cloaca, at the New Museum, this roll of toilet paper is adorned with the Cloaca logo – a cross between the Ford Logo and the Mr Clean Man (with his intestines showing).

Cloaca is a room-sized installation, a machine that - thru a series of chemical beakers, electrical pumps, cylinders and plastic tubes - mimics the human digestive system. You feed it, and it shits." (artistsbooksandmultiples)

Artists’ Edition

Cloaca Toilet Paper

by Wim Delvoye

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Release Date 2002
Artist: Wim Delvoye
Dimensions 10.5 × 10.5 × 11.5 cm

last updated 810 days ago

Created by edcat

Edited by edcat