Publisher Note

Mihaela Minca is the most powerful witch of Romania. 
The profession has a tradition in Mihaela’s family, her mother and grandmother were witches already. Today she runs a flourishing international business together with her daughters and her daughter-in-law: From love spells to curses the witches have everything on offer, they receive inquiries from all over the world via the Internet. Nevertheless, magic and predicting the future is not only the profession of these women. They are not a mere business, not a staging. Here, in this Roma family and their closely knit community in Southeastern Europe, magic and mysticism are a natural part of life. The witches’ craft is also an expression of female strength within an everyday culture shaped by men. For “Daughters of Magic” Johanna-Maria Fritz accompanied Mihaela Minca and her family for a year and a half and captured the lives of these modern witches in sensitive, yet powerful images.

Artists’ Book

Daughters of Magic

by Johanna-Maria Fritz

Release Place Stuttgart, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2020
ISBN-13: 978-396070-059-3
Subform Photobook
Topics Mihaela Minca, Woman
Methods Photography
Language English
Dimensions 28.0 × 28.0 × 1.0 cm
Pages 60
Technique Offset

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