image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

As the mayonnage approaches, the excitement grows. Without ever taking on a tangible form, her presence in Verena Buttmann's audio piece "Die Schlantz, die Kured, die Kon" (The Slutch, The Khored, The Quee) lies above the scenario. The mayonnage is many things: the object of fear, the last salvation, a state of oppression, the bridge to a remote world or a dreamlike projection.
On her record, the artist Verena Buttmann creates a social cosmos between theatre-like staging and private space. A dialogical poem and a scenic piece of music reveal a narrative that follows a peculiar temporal dimension and linguistic logic. Verena Buttmann takes language to the edge of meaning, where its musical quality unfolds.

The publication contains a 7'' vinyl record, a brochure with the original text in German and the English translation, as well as a download link.

Artists’ Edition

Die Schlantz, die Kured, die Kon

by Verena Buttmann

Release Place Berlin, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Verena Buttmann
Printrun 200
ISBN-13: 978-3-948200-02-2
Subform Artists’ Record, Audio Edition
Topics Language
Language German, English
Format Vinyl
Dimensions 19.0 × 19.0 cm

last updated 910 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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