Front Cover

Publisher Note

Eikon is a quarterly magazine for photography and media art, it showcases collections, galleries to visit, portfolios and events. The magazine is divided into German and English.

Eikon is split into two main parts, ‘Portfolio’ and ‘In Focus’. The Portfolio section focuses on presenting and promoting young artists from all different fields of the industry including: media art, photography, and other arts. This section also introduces emerging artists and the different styles of established artists; the aim is to give artists the opportunity to widen their international presence.

‘In Focus’ is a monochrome section of the magazine it was first introduced in 2014; this section of the magazine delivers a platform for current topics in the arts culture, the history of art and more.

Art Magazine

Eikon #100 – special issue

Release Place Vienna, Austria
Release Date 2016
Series Eikon, #100 – special issue
ISBN-13: 9783902250926
Methods Photography
Language English, German
Format Paperback
Pages 96

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Artphilein Library

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