Cover, image source: Publisher


Each clothbound slipcase is hand painted by the artist.

Publisher Note

The three books in the set are facsimile reproductions of the artist's sketchbooks. Printed on a state-of-the-art Komori HPT press, on uncoated Munken Kristall paper, with textured, black leather covers and titles embossed in gold foil. Every volume has been assigned a specific colour, which is used for the end-papers, head-bands, tail-bands and book-marks. The books are housed in handmade, cloth-bound slipcases which are painted by the artist, one by one, making each set unique.

A supplementary booklet, enclosed in a pocket inside the back cover of volume III, features an essay by author, playwright and artist Henrik Bromander, who was invited to associate and write freely based on the content of the three sketchbooks. Also included is a critical essay by artists and gallerists Mattia Lullini and Alina Vergnano of Nevven Gallery.

Artist Monograph


Ekta Sketchbooks I-III

edited by Andreas Friberg Lundgren

Release Place Gothenburg, Sweden
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2017
Designer: Lundgren+Lindqvist
Artist: EKTA
Printrun 300
ISBN-13: 978-91-983957-0-9
Inscription numbered, signed
Original Price 85.00 EUR
Methods Drawing, Painting
Dimensions 15.5 × 22.5 cm
Pages 360
Technique Offset

Web references


last updated 1166 days ago

Created by lundgren

Edited by lundgren, edcat