Box, photo from the book, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

This book tells a story about Ethiopia by photos and poems.

Ethiopia is seen as the archetype of the relationship between man and land, the promise of life in the city and poverty. This work leaves nothing to aesthetics and unnecessary, and its lyricism is the goal to which it comes through the beaten path. The book is deliberately poor: stitching bound and simply kept in a cardboard box.
This work and its gaunt photography testify a conscious ethical force, a human and stylistic choice that springs from the search for Truth.
"Finchè tornerai terra" means "till thou return unto the ground, to the dust".

Photos by Valentino Barachini.
Poems and copywriting by Matilde Vittoria Laricchia.
English translations by Massimiliano Barachini.

Collectors' edition consists in 30 copies with an ambrotype 10 x 7 cm by Valentino. Barachini

Artists’ Book

Finché tornerai terra

by Valentino Barachini

Release Place Livorno, Italy
Edition 1st Original edition
Release Date 2017
Printrun 100
Inscription numbered, signed
Subform Photobook
Topics Ethiopia
Methods Ambrotype, Photography
Language Italian, English
Pages 150
Content 80 photos in 4 colours and b/w
10 texts
Color 4, cmyk
Material cardboard box

Web references

last updated 2126 days ago

Created by Origini_edizioni

Edited by edcat_research, Jan, Origini_edizioni