image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

Nothing is more readily available than one’s own family. It is a matrix we will never leave, and if we escape it, we inevitably escape in relation to it. Diana worked with the image material her family generated on many formal and technical layers, visually formulating such larger questions as: who sees whom in which way, and smaller questions,
such as: What is one doing when the camera is turned off? To what extent is a skin really our last boundary, and what happens when one dies? Diana exploits every possible re-presentation of (her) family, and transforms it with a sharp eye into an art that is entirely its own. (Martin Germann)

Artists’ Book

Flower Smuggler

by Diana Tamane

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
Artist: Diana Tamane
Printrun 700
ISBN-13: 978-94-93146-14-3
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 225.0 × 300.0 cm
Pages 152

last updated 1723 days ago

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Edited by edcat