Front Cover, Copy from SKA Library, image source: SKA

Publisher Note

In June 2013, many of Turkey’s cities and provinces exploded in protest. Initially sparked by a relatively small demonstration in late May to protect Gezi Park in Istanbul from demolition, the protests grew exponentially in magnitude after police forces aggressively intervened with water cannons, plastic bullets, and tear gas.The period between May and June 2013 witnessed the outbreak of an enormous wave of mass movements in Turkey aimed at stopping government attempts to demolish Gezi Park, located in the Taksim area of Istanbul, and put up a shopping center designed to resemble the old Taksim Military Barracks. The street actions that began in Istanbul around Taksim Square swiftly spread across Turkey, many parts of Europe, and even some cities in the United States. It is true that the single most important site of this people’s protest was Gezi Park, occupied for a full fortnight, with the otherwise ubiquitous police nowhere to be seen. This was a genuine local commune with all needs being met in a communal manner.

Artists’ Book

Here and Now

— Şimdi ve Burada

by Erhan Can Akbulut, Ata Kam

Release Place İstanbul, Türkiye
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2015
Designer: FAiL Books
Printrun 40
Inscription numbered
Subform Folded Photobook
Topics Protest
Methods Analog Photography
Dimensions 9.5 × 24.0 cm
Pages 16
Technique Darkroom

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