Cover, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

Photography book which narrates an intimate relationship between two close friends – Stanislav and H. She is his best friend who has been suffering from an eating disorder for over 15 years, and her journey to her imagined USA is not just a romantic holiday but rather a hopeless attempt to escape the clutches of her struggle. Their personal journey is also inspired by cliché of American dream, Hollywood films or beat and hippie generation. They were hitchhiking, eating wild mushrooms and sleeping under the sky.

Artists’ Book

Hitchhike US

— "Intimate story about the journey of two through the US that goes beyond the confines of the road."

by Stanislav Briza

Publisher self-published
Release Date 2016
Author: Stanislav Briza
Designer: Petr Mazoch
Artist: Stanislav Briza
Subform Photobook
Style/Movement new document
Methods Photography
Language British English

last updated 1657 days ago

Created by BFLMPSVZ

Edited by BFLMPSVZ, Jan