Front Cover

Publisher Note

In the high insomnia megalopolis, splashed by stunning lights like so many islands of solitude, a heart beats, fragile, human. Alone on her balcony, Floriane, suspended above the city, never stops watching night falls. “Inside Views” are so many open windows on the outside. On the ravenous city sprawling. On the inside too, inside the silence of solitude.
“No matter whether it’s Paris or Istanbul. I do not photograph cities, but an imaginary City that inhabits each megalopolis. It is the product of the Man’s excesses, his genius, his madness. The City exceeds the overflow. She is about to devour us.”

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2007
ISBN-13: 9781590052280
Topics Contemporary Cities, Night Photography, Urbanism
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 37.0 × 29.0 × 1.3 cm
Pages 82

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