image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

Josef and Anni Albers began their travels to Mexico in 1935, drawn to a country very unlike the United States. They were not in search of the exotic but rather of the traces of ancient pre-Colombian civilisations (the Mayans and the Aztecs) and testimonies of the everyday lives of a population that was very poor yet full of vitality. Dressed in dark colours and donning a large black hat, Albers was a non-professional photographer with the gaze of an architect, as may be noted from the great sense of composition and the search for geometries which he digs out even from the millenary archaeological findings. These photographs have never previously been published in Italy, and contribute to depicting the figure of one of the greatest innovators of the art and culture of the twentieth century, who to this day still has a lot to teach us. The volume also features an introduction by Brenda Danilowitz, curator and head of the Joseph and Anni Albers Foundation, as well as an essay by Luca Galofaro, architect (LSGMA) and curator (CAMPO, Rome).

Art Book

Messico 1935/1956

Release Place Milan, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date March 2021
Artist: Josef Albers
ISBN-13: 978-8-8993858-1-1
Topics Mexico
Language English, Italian
Format Softcover
Dimensions 17.0 × 21.0 cm
Weight 300 gram
Pages 112

last updated 1080 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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