Front Cover

Publisher Note

“In this centralized humanity, the effect and instrument of complex power relations, bodies and forces subjected by multiple mechanisms of segmentation, we must hear the distant roar of battle.”
Starting from this words by Michel Foucault, Matteo Pasin enquires the city with this photographic research. The city, as a molar machine, keeps organizing the multiplicities, imposing a geometric order to them. But fluxes can’t be completely restrained, and so in Matteo Pasin’s work we can testify unexpected swayings, fractures and rhizomatic concatenations.

Artists’ Book

Molar Formations

by Matteo Pasin

Release Place Milan, Italy
Release Date 2014
Artist: Matteo Pasin
Printrun 100
Subform Photobook
Language English
Dimensions 21.0 × 14.8 cm
Weight 100 gram
Pages 30