
Publisher Note

The third photobook of La Cueva has the particularity of being curated by the artist and photographer Gala Garrido, the prologue is provided by Gerardo Zavarce and the chronology has been prepared by the researcher Nany Goncalves (who has already dealt with these tasks in books already published by the publisher).
Diana Vilera, director of La Cueva, points out that this edition is part of the National Awards series, specially conceived to disseminate the work of Venezuelan masters of photography. After the first two titles dedicated to Joaquín Cortés and Antolín Sánchez, Vilera talks about the importance of continuing the publisher's catalog with Garrido: “making the first anthological compilation of his photographic work –and also, in an informative edition– It is an achievement that fills me with joy, because I feel that an old outstanding debt of our country with Garrido is being settled, whose artistic work is unparalleled in our country ”.
"And his documentary work, relative to contemporary Venezuelan traditional festivals, and therefore Latin American," continues Vilera, "constitutes the most valuable archive of this nature that we currently have in Venezuela. With this third publication, La Cueva pays tribute to one of our most recognized photographers, for his artistic talent and his commitment to critical teaching of photography, both in Venezuela and in Latin America ”.
Garrido, on the importance of this anthological photobook, details the following: “This is the first photography book that they took from me. It is an uncensored book, because I have had several editorial attempts and they always end up saying 'take this photo off, take off this other one'. But La Cueva, thanks to Diana Vilera, is the only publisher that allowed me to make the book the way I wanted. That seems fundamental to me. Here is all my work put together, from the beginning. There are quantities of photographs that have never been exhibited or shown. And it is the first time that they come to light. They are photographs that many people have never seen. That is an added value for this book, in addition to the already classic series ”.

“For me it was a great surprise”, continues the artist, “I rediscovered my work, because I had to organize everything that I have done for almost forty years, with Gala and Gerardo. I had never done that exercise and it was hard: the most emblematic images were taken from each series, but it was interesting, because it involved deciding and summarizing all my work, which is unfinished; that is the feature of all my work, it is always being done; I do not believe in finished works, but in "unfinished" works; Furthermore, what seems surprising to me is that at a time in the country like this, where there is no paper, food, medicine, among other things, this book comes out in the country. And I think it is a characteristic of La Cueva, which is creating cultural resistance ”.

Nelson Garrido. Caracas, 1952. He attended primary and secondary school in Italy, France and Chile. He studied photography in the studio of the artist Carlos Cruz-Diez in Paris. He is the founder of the Nelson Garrido Organization (NGO), it is a photography school and alternative cultural center where he has expressed his teaching methods. He participated as photographer and second cameraman in the documentary Gibraltar, by Ivork Cordido. He made the still photo in La muerte insiste, by Javier Blanco; The time of the tiger, by Alfredo Lugo; and Cangrejo II and Ratón de ferretería, by Román Chalbaud. He is the first Venezuelan photographer to be awarded the National Prize for Plastic Arts (1991). In 1995 his work was awarded at the III International Latin American Photography Contest (Asfoto, Bogotá).

Release Place Venezuela
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2017
Writer: Gerardo Zavarce
Artist: Nelson Garrido
ISBN-13: 978-980-7780-02-5
Language English, Spanish
Format Softcover
Dimensions 12.5 × 19.0 cm
Pages 176