
Publisher Note

Rhona Mühlebach (1990) holds a Bachelor of Arts in Film from the École cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL) and earned a Master of Fine Arts from the Glasgow School of Art in 2017. Her work includes video, audio, text and installations. Rhona’s work is informed by her interest in relationships between humans, animals, plants and landscapes. She creates fantasies that expand our incomplete understanding of the world we live in through fiction and narratives. Emotional interpretation takes the place of rational evaluation. Her working method assumes that social and historical narratives are subject to constant and diverse (re)interpretations over time.
Rhona Mühlebach’s Cahier is entitled “Obstacles for Cows” and consists of eight music notebooks combined in one book. The scores presented in the ‘notebooks’ are based from her screenplays. She selected passages from dialogues and arranged them – following a graphic system similar to a notation – over multiple pages. The dialogues were also typographically adapted to the characters’ way of speaking, with notations added by composer William Aikman (Glasgow).
The publication format itself also evokes a music notebook, drawing readers into the eight scores and inviting them to reinterpret these scores.


Obstacles for Cows

by Rhona Mühlebach

Release Place St. Gallen, Switzerland
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
Writer: Chloe Reid
ISBN-13: 978-3-9525840-3-3
Subform Photobook
Topics Art, Music
Methods Photography
Language German, English
Format Softcover
Dimensions 25.7 × 36.4 cm
Pages 100

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