Cover, Scanned, image source: Private

Publisher Note

If Lenin had chosen another career, he could have been CEO and to have distributed enjoyment shares. Yann Toma,him, is President for Life of Ouest-Lumière and recently wrote Part de jouissance, in the serie L'art en écrit. He explains there the strategy of his group and especially anything regarding the issue of enjoyment shares. Thus, the President Toma develops, with his characteristic clarity, all questions that could land on Ouest-Lumière. Presidential Art akin to that of iconoclastic artists: Duchamp, Picabia, Filliou, John Cage, Kaprow, Nam June Paik, Beuys, Ben or Spoerri. Unclassifiable mix of Dada, Surrealism, Fluxus or Situationism. He mocks the pompous jargon of capitalism and believes with certainty that the artistic redemption will pass through the influence of Ouest-Lumière. Actually he is his own movement.

Artists’ Book

Part de jouissance

by Yann Toma

Release Place Paris, France
Release Date 2007
Artist: Yann Toma
Printrun 290
Methods Writing
Dimensions 12.5 × 21.0 cm
Pages 48
Technique Offset

last updated 2070 days ago

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