
Publisher Note

The self published book summarizes materials and associated works from the performance project Route of Roots that was carried out between 2016 and 2019. It contains documentation of live performances, process photographs from the studio and residencies, sketches and drawings, as well as commissioned texts.

The book is divided into two sections: an introductory part inspired by the artists notebook with an interview by Sunniva H. Stokken (NO), and a second part containing photographic documentation and commissioned texts. These texts are written by Sibylle Omlin (CH), Joan Casellas (ES), Alicja Rosé (PL), Małgorzata Sady (PL), Dr. Sophia Kidd (USA) and Ane Øverås (NO). To emphasize the difference between these two parts and to illustrate the contrast between artistic creation and performance/execution in a physical and tangible way, two different types of paper have been selected for each section of the book.

Artists’ Book

Route of Roots (2016-2019)

by Franzisca Siegrist

Publisher self-published
Release Place Oslo, Norway
Release Date March 2023
Printrun 300
ISBN-13: 978-82-693187-0-8
Methods Documentation, Drawing, Performance, Performance Art, Photograph, Poem, Text
Dimensions 19.0 × 24.0 cm
Pages 236