Publisher Note

During the years 1957-1962, Sudek travelled north of Prague to the region of Bohemia, an area rich in minerals that was being devastated by Communist exploitation. The ruin of this land was so aptly depicted by Koudelka years later in the Black Triangle (ZB308L). Presented in book form for the first time are those gorgeous, lost panoramas by Sudek.

Artist Monograph

Josef Sudek

Smutna Kajina

— Severozapadni Cechy 1957-1962

Release Place Prague, Czechia
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 1999
Artist: Josef Sudek
Printrun 1000
ISBN-13: 9788085090376
Availability Available
Subform Photobook
Topics Bohemia, Landscapes, Mine
Methods Photography
Language Czech, German, English
Dimensions 34.0 × 23.0 × 2.0 cm
Pages 112
Technique Offset