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Edited by
Christoph Keller
Dietmar Dath

Publisher Note

The "windows of the heart and other abysses" (Michael Hübl) are the mysterious areas the work of the young German artist Anna Lea Hucht penetrates into, in richly detailed, meticulously elaborated, sometimes large-format drawings. A magical world lights up, in its spaces and times an individual way of observing the world, full of references, becomes comprehensible, though it never leads to mystification for its own sake. What holds the scenes and moods together is mastery of the delicate graphic and watercolor technique. Anna Lea Hucht succeeds in hotwiring an essentially romantic experience of the world to the present, without nostalgia or embarrassment.

This artist's book which is being published to coincide with the award of the Horst-Janssen Prize to Anna Lea Hucht has been produced in close collaboration between the artist and the publisher, and makes Anna Lea Hucht's work more widely accessible for the first time. The graphic works are accompanied and complemented by fragments of text from Dietmar Dath's book "Die Abschaffung der Arten" ("The Abolition of Species").

Artists’ Book

Sprich mit deiner Seele

by Anna Lea Hucht

Release Place Zurich, Switzerland
Release Date 2009
ISBN 978-3-03764-066-1
Artist: Anna Lea Hucht
Series Christoph Keller Editions
Dimensions 24.0 × 29.5 cm
Pages 64

last updated 2349 days ago

Data Contributor: Christoph Schifferli

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