Front Cover

Publisher Note

In 2011, Fabio Bucciarelli saw the first refugees from Libya's civil war and since then he has focused on people fleeing the civil wars known as the 'Arab Spring.' Bucciarelli turned his camera to documenting the consequences that conflicts have on civilians and especially on the people who now make up the larges migration of refugees since World War II The Dream is a mature reflection on the universal condition of a person who becomes a migrant, an empathic and emotional tribute to the thousands of people encountered during five years of committed documentation, a personal narrative experiment set between photojournalism and art photography.

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Istanbul, Türkiye
Release Date 2015
ISBN-13: 9780996391214
Dewey: 770.92
Topics Europe, Mediterranean, Report
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover

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