Front Cover

Publisher Note

For more than twenty years Japanese-born photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto has photographed and transformed reality in distinctive, carefully composed series of images. Using a large-format camera, he achieves a wide range of tones and effects in a body of work that reflects his fascination with the paradoxes of time, his great love of detail and his incredible technical mastery. This beautifully printed book contains examples from his three major series of works, collections that have been built over many years: photographs of museum dioramas and wax museum figures that emphasize the timelessness of these frozen, deceptively lifelike moments; meditative, monochromatic seascapes; and time-lapse photographs of luxurious, old-fashioned theaters and minimalist drive-ins. An interview with Sugimoto, and an essay by Thomas Kellein lend insight and understanding to this remarkable photographer's work.

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 1994
Printrun 100
ISBN-13: 9780500974278
Topics Drive In, Mari, Museums
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 31.0 × 25.0 × 1.8 cm
Pages 112

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