Front Cover

Publisher Note

One of the most exciting and important young artists of the past decade, Iranian-born Shirin Neshat has addressed issues of nation, colonialism, and gender in a variety of media, always challenging our preconceptions about art and society. She is particularly renowned for her film installations, which have been featured at several Whitney Biennials--and this new catalogue accompanies Raptureand Fervor, the second and third films in a trilogy exploring the social, political and psychological dimensions of women's experience in contemporary Islamic societies. The emphasis here is on the interplay between the explicit text and the implicit subtext in Islamic ritual, and how the emotions stirred up by these rituals can take on mercurial and contradictory forms.

Release Place Columbus, United States of America
Release Date 1999
Artist: Shirin Neshat
ISBN-13: 9781881390268
Topics Asia, Culture And Society, Iran, Islamic Society, Oriente, Portrait
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Paperback

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