Cover, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

Unsorcery composes and explores ways of sorcery that can eventually surpass or undo some of the contemporary realities and subjectivities. It is an Artworld involved in a productive alienation from concepts through experience and from experience through thought. Unsorcery is an environment in which Alina Popa and Florin Flueras were working together, each following their own path, doing their own practices, texts and performances around the concepts: Life Programming, Artworlds, Black Hyperbox, Second Body, Dead Thinking, End Dream.

Release Place Bucharest, Romania
Edition 1st edition
Release Date November 2018
Designer: Radu Lesevschi
Original Price 16.00 EUR
Topics Performance, Philosophy, Theory
Language English
Format Softcover with flaps
Binding Otabind
Dimensions 10.5 × 16.0 cm
Pages 240, paginated
Color 1 PMS
Material Pergraphica Natural 90g
Technique Offset
Color Pantone Silver
Material PopSet Cactus Green 170g
Technique Offset

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