
Publisher Note

Published on the occasion of Eric Orr’s exhibition at Anders Tornberg Gallery in Lund, Sweden in 1990. The collaborative volume is bound in an anodized steel cover, housed in a molded Styrofoam box and packaged within a screenprinted cardboard sleeve. It contains a unique multiple by James Lee Byars; a handmade sphere of fired clay, titled ‘The Sphere of Generosity’ .
The inlay is primarily serving as a catalogue raisonné of Orr’s work, with jointly authored texts by Orr and Byars and additional essays by critic McEvilley. On page 15, Orr has stamped a ring of his own blood, in the shape of a coffee stain. Further into the book, the ’Skull Page’ is an inserted page of handmade paper by Yoshio Ikezaki, using kozo fibres impregnated with a powdered mummy’s skull. Pages 25-26 are torn, as designed by the artists.

Artists’ Book

Zero Mass

— The Art of Eric Orr

by James Lee Byars, Yoshio Ikezaki, Eric Orr

Release Place Lund, Sweden
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 27th October 1990
Designer: John Melin
Printrun 1000
ISBN-13: 9187952033
Subform Multiple
Dimensions 28.0 × 29.5 × 9.0 cm
Pages 320

last updated 1649 days ago

Created by lundgren

Edited by lundgren, edcat